Here are some things to think about when preparing to get back to business.
Consumer behavior online and in-stores
We can expect consumer behavior to shift towards more online and non-contact methods of shopping and dining. It is recommended to prepare your businesses strategies for best practices to meet the needs of consumers during this shift.
These strategies include;
- Expanding your online presence through website, social media, email marketing campaigns, etc.
- Special offers and promotions such as free shipping, “BOGO” and discounted sales.
- Developing an app for ease of use and loyalty reward programs.
- Offering no-contact take out or delivery options.
Social distancing your business
As the outlook on personal space, crowds and tight spaces continue to change, the best way to set up for success is to set up for social distancing. Consumers will continue to “social distance” themselves in the public, this can become the new “norm”.
In order to prepare, we recommend making small changes to your business layout such;
- Rearranging your tables and dinning set up to abide by these guidelines. This may mean less seating for the time being.
- Expanding isles so allow shoppers space to navigate through the store without fear of getting close to others. This includes clothing racks in retail.
- Offering no-contact take out, delivery and curbside pick-up options.
Stay transparent with your customers
It is important to involve your customers in every step and action you are taking for a cleaner and safer business. Let them know what you are doing to ensure their safety and avoid the spread of germs and viruses. Whether its new cleaning practices, employee protocols or responding to local regulations and guidelines, keep your customers in the know.